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Non-Traditional and Alternative Education Programs

Non-Traditional Academic Programs

Located at the site of the historic Lemon Street School in Marietta, Georgia, the Woods-Wilkins Campus @ Lemon Street is home to non-traditional academic programs in Marietta City Schools.

  • The Performance Learning Center (PLC) provides Marietta High School students the opportunity to access virtual and blended learning instruction. Students are grouped in smaller classes where their learning is facilitated using diverse methods.
  • The Marietta Alternative Programs and Services (MAPS) program is designed for both middle and high school students in Marietta City Schools. On purpose, class sizes are small, highly structured, and differentiated in order to meet student academic and behavioral needs.
  • The Marietta Evening School Hours (MESH) program offers Marietta High School students both digital and in-person options to access their educational needs. The program is open 4-8 p.m. Tuesdays through Thursdays. MESH offers full courses and credit recovery.

Students at Marietta Middle School and Marietta High School interested in enrolling in non-traditional academic programs at the Woods-Wilkins Campus @ Lemon Street should contact their school counselor or administrator.

What is a non-traditional education program?

A non-traditional educational program exists for the distinct purpose of serving students who have unique instructional needs that are not adequately addressed in a traditional classroom setting. Non-traditional learning methods include online learning, one-on-one small group learning, and blended learning. Student schedules are flexible where the curriculum is tailored to meet the student's needs and learning styles. The student controls the instructional pace where he or she can speed up or slow down their learning.

In Marietta City Schools, students may be referred to the following non-traditional education programs:

  • Performance Learning Center
  • Marietta Evening School Hours

What is the difference between a non-traditional education program and an alternative education program in Marietta City Schools?

An alternative education program is a non-traditional education program where students are placed for a period of time based on behavior. The alternative education program in Marietta City Schools is the Marietta Alternative Services and Programs (MAPS).

An alternative education program is an educational program that serves students who are eligible to remain in the regular classroom but are more likely to succeed in a nontraditional setting such as that provided in an alternative education program, as well as students who are excluded from the regular classroom because of disciplinary reasons. State law requires districts to operate alternative school programs or to provide educational services to expelled students in an alternative setting.

—Georgia Compiled Rules and Regulations, 160-4-8.01

Performance Learning Center (PLC)

Non-Traditional Education Program

The Performance Learning Center (PLC) provides Marietta High School students the opportunity to access online and blended learning instruction, as well as cross-register with the community college. Students are grouped in smaller classes where their learning is facilitated using diverse methods.

As a non-traditional educational program, the PLC is offered to students to accelerate or remediate their high school courses. Edgenuity provides the online curriculum, where teachers present online or blended learning opportunities.

Students may contact their school counselor for a referral to the PLC program.



Marietta Alternative Programs and Services (MAPS)

Alternative Education Program

The Marietta Alternative Programs and Services (MAPS) program is designed for both middle and high school students in Marietta City Schools. On purpose, class sizes are small, highly structured, and differentiated in order to meet student academic and behavioral needs.

Students may be placed in the Woods-Wilkins Campus @ Lemon Street MAPS program by:

  • Disciplinary hearing/tribunal
  • Disciplinary hearing waiver
  • Admission Screening Committee
  • Department of Juvenile Justice
  • Parent Choice

Placement options may be for a semester or until the student graduates high school.



Marietta Evening School Hours (MESH)

Non-Traditional Education Program

Marietta City Schools students who have obligations during the day, such as going to work, providing childcare, or other family responsibilities, are able to access the high school curriculum three evenings per week.

The Marietta Evening School Hours (MESH) is a non-traditional education program that provides students with the opportunity to access their education when the traditional day school program is not viable.

MESH offers opportunities for virtual and in-person learning taught by Marietta High School teachers. There is no transportation cost to students and an evening meal is served.

Students may contact their high school counselor for more information.